Sunday, November 6, 2011

Have You Ever Been Stuck in an Elevator??

HEY ALL! I was debating what to write about for this open blog post and I decided on elevators. A lot of people have fears of elevators. They have reason to, especially after seeing the movie Devil. That movie freaked me out for weeks. It is a horror film about a group of random people that became stuck in an elevator for only a few hours, yet in that hour bad things happen because the devil overtakes one of them. SPOILER ALERTI don't mean to ruin it for everyone but they basically all get attacked when the lights go out. The movie is really gruesome! I wouldn't say that it is very scary though.
Which one did it???
Alright, so I kind of just went off on a tangent; anyway in order to allay (yes a vocab word) my fears I decided to use my time more wisely in elevators. I was not going to stop using elevators all together because stairs are way too much work. Instead, I decided to use elevators whenever possible. I am not sure why but I did. This was especially apparent whenever I went to out of state tournaments with my softball team. I would bring one of my friends and we would sit all day in the elevator talking to random people. It was fun, but everyone thought we were crazy, which we probably are. I don't blame them, I mean we started conversation as soon as someone walked in to the elevator and didn't stop until they walked (or ran in some cases) out of it. So why would we start conversations with strangers, especially in some place as creepy as a hotel elevator? Well, to tell you the truth I haven't a clue. Besides the fact that it was funny, it alleviated some of my fears because I knew that the scary movie wasn't going to come true. For some hilarious tricks on what to do when you are stuck in an elevator (which could possibly happen) click this link. It is on my bucketlist to do at least some of these :)

My quick tips for if you are ever stuck in an elevator include:
2) Click all the buttons possible on the elevator walls until the door finally opens (if it doesn't then precede to the next tips)
3) If anyone is riding with you shake them so they understand that the elevator is stuck
4)  Attempt to open the elevator door with your super human strength
5) Jump up and down, maybe the elevator is just stuck and needs a little extra help
6) Pound on the walls maybe someone will here you
7) if all else fails curl up in the corner. You can never trust anyone, curling up in the corner prevents attack from behind.
8) Cry for your mom (she is always there to protecct you) but first call jimmy johns they will be there freaky fast with a sandwich to keep you from being hungry

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