Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Process Analysis

1) I chose these pictures in particular to show that unemployment is a major problem in the United States. I wanted to reveal the issues that occur as a result of the loss of jobs and continued unemployment. Throughout this visual argument, I claim that the loss of jobs has increased and is making a drastic impact on not only the people that are laid off, but their families too. I do this by showing images of people in distress that have just lost their jobs and families that need help. I want the audience to understand that this is still a major issue in the United States. The warrants that I used while producing my video were that losing your job would cause someone distress. This is sensible because without a job  it is tough to make money; thus one would easily be stressed because they do not know what is going to happen to them. I also made a warrant that losing your job causes one to eventually become poor and needy; they may end up losing their houses and going hungry. This is reasonable because after a certain amount of time unemployment benefits run out, and even with unemployment benefits most could not cover the cost associated with supporting an entire family. Therefore, without a steady income, many families are forced to live on the streets. Another important warrant that I based my claim on was that living on the streets is a bad situation and should be avoided at all costs. This is understandable because living on the streets is generally looked down upon. Homelessness is unsanitary, unhealthy, and unjust. Another warrant that I use is that being stressed is a bad situation.
This is why I wanted to reveal to the audience that unemployment is omnipresent and affecting many Americans lives in a negative way every day.  My intended audience is the people of America, mostly the people that have a steady job. I want to show them that unemployment is still present and looming over many less fortunate people in the United States. I want them to become more grateful for what they have been given and feel like others need their help. I chose pictures that would make the biggest impact and evoke the most emotion and sympathy from the viewers of my visual argument.
2) Each of the pictures I chose makes an argument in it of itself. I chose images that would make the viewers feel for the people pictured in each situation. In particular, I chose pictures of sad children because children usually make people feel bad and want to do something to make a difference, just as sad puppies and kittens do. I chose graphs because they reveal the reality of unemployment and job losses; they show that it is still ever present in the battles of the United States economy. I picked pictures of sad business men that lost their job to reveal to the audience how tragic being laid off is to many that have to endure it.
    I picked the order of my images in a very particular fashion. I began my argument with images of happy workers, and then I show unemployment on the rise. Afterward, I show the impact unemployment has had on individuals by showing distressed people, signs looking for work, and homeless families. I chose this order for my argument because I wanted to produce a storyline that shows what unemployment has done to our country. My purpose was to inform the audience that everyday people could have their lives drastically changed by unemployment. It could happen to any worker, and the results are life altering and unjust. I chose to put the most impactful pictures at the end of my video to leave the audience with those pictures looming in their minds. They will feel as if unemployment is a problem that needs to be fixed. I decided to have the pictures that show unemployment is rising every few images to make it clear that that is my argument. I repeated pictures of distressed people and children to bring home the point that unemployment makes people feel this way; therefore, evoking a sense of sympathy from my audience.
    I chose the background as images of clocks over the color gray. I did this to show that time is ticking away while unemployment is still a big problem. Gray has the connotation of stress, sadness, gloominess, and an overall negative feeling. This reveals that unemployment is all of these emotions and more. I put more of a focus on images that I believed would have the most impact on the audience. I thought these images revealed my purpose for making the video. They clearly showed my reasons for arguing. My reasons include that unemployment makes people distressed and that it will eventually make people poor and unable to provide for their family. This is shown through the constant images of needy families and individuals. It is revealed through the sad and distressed businessmen sitting on the streets without a job. These clearly show that unemployment is still present and making a negative impact on the everyday lives of thousands of Americans.

3) The music I chose is a piece by Chopin called Nocturne No. 2 in E Flat Major. This is a classical piece that has no lyrics throughout the piece. I selected this musical piece because I thought that the audience would believe it was intense and connect with the artistry of the notes. Many would not know this piece, yet it is clearly a classic. It gets faster at the correct portions of the video. I expect that the audience will enjoy the piece and believe it fits my video perfectly.  I chose there to be no words because I thought it would take away from the images that I created and placed into my video. Lyrics would take away from the sadness of my video. I am in no way an expert on music and the only instrument I hear is the piano. The music is trying to be calming, yet intense. It keeps the listener waiting for more, just like the images do. It perfectly intertwines with the images because they are both sad and intense. If I chose another musical piece, it would not have the same effect on the listeners. If I chose a hip hop song for instance, it would totally deplete the sadness and impact of my images. It would not add to my argument in the slightest.

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